Medium Rugs

Bring focus to a room with a medium area rug

One of the best ways to style a room is to bring focus to the centre of the space using a medium area rug. Placing a medium-sized rug in the middle of the room will naturally draw a focal point by linking together all existing furniture and decor. At Coconapple, we have become experts in helping customers find beautiful, stylish and functional medium-size rugs that fit perfectly in their homes. We have curated a collection of pieces that will create the interior design styling of your dreams.

Medium size rugs - perfect for bedrooms, living rooms & home offices

If you have a room in your home that is feeling a bit disjointed, a medium area rug could be the perfect solution to help make it a considered, cohesive space. We suggest opting for a medium-size rug to frame your bedroom, living room or home office. Style the room by placing the medium size rug underneath the focal piece of furniture — a bed, coffee table or home office desk. Choose a unique colour or texture that matches your other decor to tie together all of the elements.

Update your interior decor with a medium size rug from Coconapple

At Coconapple, we pride ourselves on stocking a wide variety of options to suit our extensive customer base. When browsing our online store, you’ll be able to discover a collection of medium area rugs in various colours, shapes, textures, and styles. Whether you’re looking for a modern nautical themed rug, a rich traditional rug, a textured Persian rug or an eco-friendly rug, at Coconapple, we guarantee you’ll find exactly what you’re searching for. 

Once you’ve found the perfect medium size rug, you’ll also be able to update your home by shopping for small rugs, large rugs, wool rugs, cotton rugs, synthetic rugs and other homeware pieces. Lock in your new interior decor products and enjoy the convenience of Afterpay by shopping now and paying later. We also offer free shipping across Australia so that you can receive your brand new medium area rug right on your doorstep.

If you have any questions about our collections or delivery, please reach out to someone from our Coconapple customer service team today.

Hayes - Weave Blue Rug
$229.95 from $195.46